Saturday, February 21, 2015


In Japan known for more than 200 species of ant japan.
Among the Japanese ant species, such as: Lasius spathepus,
Camponotus nipponicus, Polyrhachis latona, Crematogaster vagula,
Ponera swezeyi, Aphaenogaster frontosa, Cryptopone sauteri, Ponera
scabra, Aphaenogaster ruida, Aphaenogaster vapida.
There are also species Solenopsis japonica, Ochetellus glaver,
Technomyrmex gibbosus, Lasius umbratus, Amblyopone silvestrii,
Lasius Talpa, Vollenhovia emeryi, Pyramica leptothrix Polyergus
samurai, Camponotus devestitus, Stenamma owstoni, Monomorium
triviale ,, Ponera japonica, Pachycondyla pilosior, Pheidole Bugi.

Efficacy and benefits ant japan
Some of the benefits and efficacy of Japanese ants are as follows:
Making of normal blood cholesterol levels for those who have
blood cholesterol levels high enough.
Can relieve and treat heart disease. (Help yourself
further consult with your doctor)
Can relieve and treat gout, those who had higher levels of
high uric acid in the body.
Make the blood pressure has stabilized for the disease
high blood pressure / hypertension.
Blood sugar levels stable for the person with the disease
Add vitality for men and women who have activity hours
high working and busy every day, making the body more

Unique characteristic of Japanese Ants
Japanese ants have characteristics or signs such as:
Like it or rapidly proliferate
Live in colonies or groups of bodies larger segment of the segment
Small body size is only a few millimeters
Not the type of carnivore / fellow
Have wings but can not fly
Food yeast tape
Having a hard body,
Has a 6 foot
Anatomy Ants Japan
Ant body consists of three parts, namely the head, mesosoma (chest),
and metasoma (stomach). Ant morphology is quite clear compared
with other insects that also has an antenna, Metapleural glands,
and abdomen both related to stalk ants
shaping waist, narrow (pedunkel) between mesosoma (section
thorax and abdomen) and metasoma (abdomen less
abdominal segments in the petiole). Petiole can be formed by
one or two nodes (only the second, or the second and third
abdominal segments can be realized).
There is a friend who sells Japanese ants often mention if ants
Japan is Polyergus Samurai, Samurai ant Polyergus indeed
ants but very different body shape with visualization ants
Japanese I pointed out earlier. The following facial images Polyergus
samurai. It looks more creepy, but more good
Japanese ants look more pleasing than the type Polyergus
This samurai.
Source g-axcess

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