Thursday, February 12, 2015


Amethyst as wild plants that thrive in any place that is sometimes
used for fencing page. The fruit that bloating & amp; berbintil-nodule made devices
toy boy who is very encouraging.
This plant is classified zuriat Solanaceae, a species with eggplant & amp; potato. Amethyst
generally flowering white & amp; purple, but hybrids bloom assorted colors.
Diprediksikankan this plant was first used in parallel drugs tenth era.
Amethyst-type plants had to be used to the drug very much,
among others
Datura stramonium,
Datura Tatura,
and Brugmansia suaviolens,

but benefits

each type of amethyst, different. Benar2 amethyst Abuse often happens,
consequently not a drug which is toxic obtained (cause dizziness) which is very dangerous.
Almost the entire parts of the plant can be used for medicinal amethyst. This matter
because all the parts are alkaoida or called hiosamin (atropine) & amp;
scopolamin, such as the plant Atropa belladonna.
This is a toxic alkaloid consequently its use is limited on the outside. Seeds amethyst
There hyoscine & amp; fat, unlike the leaves are calcium oxalate. Helpful
treat rheumatism, constipation, shortness of breath, back pain, swelling, gout, eczema, & amp; inflammation
child's ear.
The third is an anticholinergic alkaloids. Until this time used in
pharmaceutical manufacturers as a major source of useful hyosciamin that influence
relieve convulsion, especially the stomach. The leaves are hyasciamin & amp; scopolamin reply
useful to cure asthma, gout (bone pains) and skin diseases.
Amethyst used for handling various complaints diseases, among others:
1. Rheumatism. Its use, quotation leaf & amp; necessary amethyst flower, red onion
necessary, & amp; ginger as needed. Grind all the ingredients until smooth, stick to the
2. Constipation. Its use, quotation 2 leaves amethyst then rub with oil
oil & amp; then dpanaskan on the fire until the leaves wilt. Leaves that are already heated,
glue on the bottom of the stomach. Apply 2 to 3 times a day.
3. Asthma. Its use, picking some leaves cut amethyst then gently.
Results pieces of sun dried. Leaves used as a hand-rolled cigarette resembles,
then smoked like a cigarette.
4. Pelvic pain. Its use, quotation 5 to 10 cone-shaped leaves that trunked
purple & amp; whiting necessary then grind until smooth. Stick it in the waist reply
ill. Perform 2 Up to 3 times a day.
5. Swelling. Its use, picking a leaf amethyst & amp; wet with coconut oil and
baked & amp; knead. Stick it in part and swelling 2 Up to 3 times a day.
6. Gout. Its use, quotation eight black amethyst leaves, rinse with clean & amp;
grind until smooth then knead same lime water. Apply it on the sick
2 times a day.
7. Eczema. Its use, quotation about 25 g of leaf amethyst, and then grind until smooth,
& Amp; give coconut oil as needed, then baked. Paste the eczema & amp; let out
until a few moments.
8. Ulcer. Its use, quotation 5 leaves amethyst, then grind until smooth.
Stick it on the boil so soon mature.
9. Inflammation of the child's ear. Its use, quotation 10 cone-shaped leaves, then wash & amp;
grind until smooth. Stir in the herbs with 2 tablespoons of coconut oil that expected
heated first. Then, squeeze & amp; strain. Oil drops in a child's juice
ear sick, do 2 times a day for about five drops.

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