Wednesday, February 11, 2015


Honey is a popular addition to the diet, but it has been shown to have certain effects outside of culinary. raw honeyis used by many people as a treatment for allergies and for companiesantibacterial properties; However, many experts warn againstswallow raw, unpasteurized honey because it can causecertain health hazards for consumers. Researchers atUniversity of Florida also reported some health shouldbenefits of raw honey does not always have a reputation.
Some seasonal allergy sufferers have found relief from theirallergic to raw honey. Raw honey exposes consumers totraces of pollen that would otherwise cause allergiesrelapse with exposure, desensitizing them to this effect.The North Dallas Honey Company said one tablespoon dailyhoney really can act as allergy shots. pasteurized honeyremoves pollen, so that only raw honey is an effective waykeep seasonal allergies at bay. Some experts warn,However, this is a very dangerous way of counteractingoff allergies as consumers have no way of knowing how manypollen honey and have the potential to cause badReaction.Antimicrobial ActivityAccording to research published by the National Institutes ofHealth, applying raw honey for infected wounds can reduceredness and swelling as well as reducing the healing time ofbacterial infection. Effects comparable with antibiotics.Honey has also been shown to be effective in treating infectionsconjunctivitis, eye infections, reducing healing timeinfection and decrease swelling and pusdischarge.Another benefitResearchers at the University of Florida report honey caneffectively used to treat burns. When applied to burns, whichhoney reduce air contact, relieving pain and possibleinfection. The New York Times backs up this assessment,said honey faster in treating small, non-serious burnsrather than a specific antibiotic ointment. Researchers reported honeysometimes it can be safely used by diabetics, but thisindividuals should always consult with a doctor before includinghoney in their diet.dangerThe National Institutes of Health report you should not beconsuming raw honey to prevent food poisoning,especially if you are already immunocompromised. by nowvery dangerous to give raw honey to babies underage one. According to, giving raw honey forinfant can cause infant botulism, a rare but seriousGastrointestinal diseases caused by exposure to bacteriaspores. Infant botulism can be life-threatening.