Friday, February 13, 2015

Mentimun Timun

Adakah manfaat timun untuk mata? Ada! Jika Anda selama ini hanya sebagai orang yang
mengkonsumsi timun sebagai lalapan dan acar. Sebaiknya Anda juga mulai menggunakannya
untuk mengatasi berbagai persoalan mata. Sebelumnya, manfaat timun juga dikenal untuk kulit.
Dimana dengan menggunakyan masker timun bisa mengurangi minyak di wajah. Selain itu, masker
timun juga bisa mengecilkan pori-pori hingga mengangkat kulit mati sehingga membuat wajah
menjadi bersih dan sehat.
Lalu, manfaat timun untuk mata apa saja? Jika mata Anda sembab karena kurang tidur atau habis
menangis, Anda bisa menghilangkannya dengan mudah. Cukup dengan potongan timun yang Anda
tempelkan di mata dan membiarkannya selama 15 menit, mata Anda akan kembali segar.

Manfaat timun untuk mata lainnya adalah mengurangi lingkaran mata di bawah kelopak mata
dengan cara mengoleskan selai timun di bagian lingkaran hitam tersebut selama 30 menit lalu
membasuhnya dengan air dingin. Cara membuat selai timun adalah dengan menghaluskan timun
menggunakan blender.
Jika Anda membuat ramuan masker timun, sebaiknya langsung digunakan sebab timun tidak tahan
lama setelah diolah. Selain itu agar hasilnya maksimal di wajah Anda. Kandungan vitamin, mineral,
dan air dalam timunlah yang membuatnya sangat berkhasiat untuk mata.
Lantas, bagaimana agar manfaat timun untuk mata ini bisa terasa? Adakah tips yang harus
dilakukan dalam mengaplikasikannya? Berikut kami berikan tipsnya agar manfaat timun untuk
mata sangat terasa:
1. Gunakan irisannya secara langsung, jangan tunggu lama. Timun bukanlah sayur yang bisa
mempertahankan kesegarannya secara lama, timun adalah sayuran yang mudah layu, dan
cepat hilang khasiatnya jika didiamkan.
2. Jangan gunakan timun yang kering ataupun timun yang didinginkan dari kulkas. Gunakan
timun yang segar atau baru dipetik.
3. Gunakan bagian tengah timun, bukan bagian ujungnya. Bagian ujungnya yang pahit lebih baik
Anda buang.
4. Diamkan selama 15 menit ketika ditempelkan di mata sebelum diangkat.

Thursday, February 12, 2015


Amethyst as wild plants that thrive in any place that is sometimes
used for fencing page. The fruit that bloating & amp; berbintil-nodule made devices
toy boy who is very encouraging.
This plant is classified zuriat Solanaceae, a species with eggplant & amp; potato. Amethyst
generally flowering white & amp; purple, but hybrids bloom assorted colors.
Diprediksikankan this plant was first used in parallel drugs tenth era.
Amethyst-type plants had to be used to the drug very much,
among others
Datura stramonium,
Datura Tatura,
and Brugmansia suaviolens,

but benefits

each type of amethyst, different. Benar2 amethyst Abuse often happens,
consequently not a drug which is toxic obtained (cause dizziness) which is very dangerous.
Almost the entire parts of the plant can be used for medicinal amethyst. This matter
because all the parts are alkaoida or called hiosamin (atropine) & amp;
scopolamin, such as the plant Atropa belladonna.
This is a toxic alkaloid consequently its use is limited on the outside. Seeds amethyst
There hyoscine & amp; fat, unlike the leaves are calcium oxalate. Helpful
treat rheumatism, constipation, shortness of breath, back pain, swelling, gout, eczema, & amp; inflammation
child's ear.
The third is an anticholinergic alkaloids. Until this time used in
pharmaceutical manufacturers as a major source of useful hyosciamin that influence
relieve convulsion, especially the stomach. The leaves are hyasciamin & amp; scopolamin reply
useful to cure asthma, gout (bone pains) and skin diseases.
Amethyst used for handling various complaints diseases, among others:
1. Rheumatism. Its use, quotation leaf & amp; necessary amethyst flower, red onion
necessary, & amp; ginger as needed. Grind all the ingredients until smooth, stick to the
2. Constipation. Its use, quotation 2 leaves amethyst then rub with oil
oil & amp; then dpanaskan on the fire until the leaves wilt. Leaves that are already heated,
glue on the bottom of the stomach. Apply 2 to 3 times a day.
3. Asthma. Its use, picking some leaves cut amethyst then gently.
Results pieces of sun dried. Leaves used as a hand-rolled cigarette resembles,
then smoked like a cigarette.
4. Pelvic pain. Its use, quotation 5 to 10 cone-shaped leaves that trunked
purple & amp; whiting necessary then grind until smooth. Stick it in the waist reply
ill. Perform 2 Up to 3 times a day.
5. Swelling. Its use, picking a leaf amethyst & amp; wet with coconut oil and
baked & amp; knead. Stick it in part and swelling 2 Up to 3 times a day.
6. Gout. Its use, quotation eight black amethyst leaves, rinse with clean & amp;
grind until smooth then knead same lime water. Apply it on the sick
2 times a day.
7. Eczema. Its use, quotation about 25 g of leaf amethyst, and then grind until smooth,
& Amp; give coconut oil as needed, then baked. Paste the eczema & amp; let out
until a few moments.
8. Ulcer. Its use, quotation 5 leaves amethyst, then grind until smooth.
Stick it on the boil so soon mature.
9. Inflammation of the child's ear. Its use, quotation 10 cone-shaped leaves, then wash & amp;
grind until smooth. Stir in the herbs with 2 tablespoons of coconut oil that expected
heated first. Then, squeeze & amp; strain. Oil drops in a child's juice
ear sick, do 2 times a day for about five drops.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015


Honey is a popular addition to the diet, but it has been shown to have certain effects outside of culinary. raw honey

Saturday, January 18, 2014


Marijuana Leaf Health Benefits For our Body Marijuana for health benefits.

Mushrooms (Peluerotus ostreatus)

Mushrooms have a delicious and unique taste, so most people like it. To cook the mushrooms, you do not have to worry about bad taste, because the fungus as a natural flavoring that has extras.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Peppermint leaves

Peppermint leaves quite well known because this plant is widely used to add flavor menthol in confectionery products, food, cosmetics, toothpaste, medicines.

Moringa leaves atau daun kelor

Magic tree or leaf Moringa Trees for Life is part of the general contains a lot of benefits. because if the consumption of nutrients and protein. Juice or extract of the leaves can also be used as a wound closure. The role of efficacy in the beauty, Moringa leaves can be finely ground into a powder stain remover and spots on the face.

Cincau Jell Drink

Many plants can be processed into food, as well as the benefits giving health. There are green and black grass jelly. Incidentally green grass jelly is easy to find and has become the food of the people.
While the black grass jelly is usually found in the market or can be enjoyed in the restaurant. But basically, both green and black grass jelly beneficial for maintaining a healthy body.
If the green grass jelly is more widely known as heartburn medications, grass jelly then black over many functions.
Black grass jelly is traditionally believed fever, fever medication, medication nausea, diarrhea, cough, prevent indigestion and can lower high blood pressure.

Black grass jelly also contains soluble fiber (soluble dietary fiber), which can bind sugar and fat or cholesterol in the body. This make black grass jelly can prevent diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and other cardiovascular diseases.
Behind black, grass jelly save a lot of benefits, including relieving heartburn. Gynecology;

* Carbohydrates,

* Calcium,

* Phosphorus,

* Vitamins (A, B1, C), and

* Water, which pretty much makes grass jelly is believed to be an alternative to avoid the heat in.

Leaf black grass jelly derived from tentative processing, which includes labiate. The trunk is small and slender, oval leaves, pointed or blunt tipped. Flower shape similar to basil flowers, white, pink or purple. The leaves and stems produce blackish green gelatin. This is why the results of grass jelly also add 'black' frills.
In developed countries, such as Japan or Korea, grass jelly one has produce powdered extract is ready to make jellygrass jelly at home.
But there is also packed canned ready added in fresh drinks or desserts. More fortunate we are in Indonesia because easily get fresh grass jelly in the market.
Cincau not live long, with 2-3 days can be especially green grass jelly melts. However, food technology, jelly powder make grass effort is now mostly conducted by our scholars.One time, these efforts will be accepted in our society.