Sunday, March 1, 2015


In Indonesia,
Here is the content of the nutritional value of tamarind @ 100g (more details can be seen in
tamarind fruit seeds used as seasoning for food processing to sensationing like sour tamarind vegetable. And also became one of the main ingredients of traditional health drink, turmeric asam.Daging this fruit contains a variety of acids, including tatrat acids, malate, citrate, succinate, and acetate. Acid is efficacious as a laxative, to smooth bowel movement and blood circulation.

While flavonoids are found in the leaves make tamarind leaves this as an anti-inflammatory and pain relief.

Fruit Tamarind (Tamarindus indica)
Tamarind for Health Benefits
As stated earlier, tamarind is used as a herbal medicine to treat various diseases. The part used is the fruit and leaves. Here is a traditional herb for the tamarind is used as a traditional medicine.
1. Treat Eczema
Eczema is often called eczema or dermatitis. The disease attacks the skin tissue so that the skin to blister and ooze pus. Usually affects children who lack health care. Tamarind can help you overcome it.
Take a handful of tamarind, ginger tubers and palm sugar. All material is crushed and then boiled with 2 cups of water until the remaining 1 cup. Filter the water, then drink. Perform this treatment every other day.
For external treatment, prepare tamarind leaves 1 handful of young and turmeric for the thumb. Both ingredients are pounded until smooth, then attached or smeared on the skin of the sick.
2. Treat dysentery
Dysentery is derived from the Greek language meaning intestinal disorders. Symptoms include stomach pains, sir waste large and sometimes with blood and mucus. The cause is bacteria and amoeba. Can be treated with traditional ingredients tamarind.
The trick, puree 5 grams kawak acid, 10 grams of turmeric and 10 grams of ginger. Add a cup of hot water and stir until mixed. Filter funds mbil water, then add 1 tablespoon of pure honey. Mix well and drink at the same time in the morning.
3. Drug diphtheria
Diphtheria is a respiratory disease caused by the bacterium Corynebacterium diphtheriae. Symptoms include sore throat, fever, difficulty breathing and swallowing, mucus from the mouth and nose, and very weak. In the past, the disease had claimed thousands of lives. Along with advances in technology and medical science has found a cure of this disease. Can also be solved with traditional ingredients tamarind.
How, to provide 5 grams of radish, red onion 5 grams, 5 grams kencur, and 10 grams of leaves of papaya. All material is crushed or blender until smooth. Add tamarind, and brewed with a glass of hot water. The herb is used to rinse the mouth to the throat. Do it 3 times a day.
4. Overcoming low blood
Low blood pressure is a condition opposite of hypertension, also known as hypotension. This situation is different with anemia (anemia). To fix this, use the traditional ingredients of tamarind following.
This cloth is 5 grams of tamarind, 250 grams of spinach leaves, 10 grams of brown sugar, 50 grams of onion, 15 grams of cayenne pepper, and salt to taste.
The trick, soft-boiled spinach leaves to be used as vegetables. All other ingredients finely ground and made chili. Eaten as lunch with brown rice. Do it every day. Delicious is not it?
5. Treat hemorrhoid
Many people feel embarrassed when exposed to a disease or hemorrhoids hemorrhoid this. And new treatment when the condition is severe. Actually, hemorrhoids can be treated by traditional herb tamarind following.
Prepare 1 gram tamarind, 6 grams of leaves nasty shard, 3 grams of ginger and 6 grams meniran. After cleaning, all materials are boiled with 1 liter of water to the remaining half. Once cool, strain the water and drink 3 times a day, on a regular basis.
6. Overcoming fever after childbirth
Childbirth was blood coming out of the uterus after childbirth, there are some women who have a fever. To overcome this problem is by using traditional ingredients below.
Provide one finger kawak acid (acid which has been processed, black) and palm sugar. Then the acid and palm sugar brewed with a glass of hot water. After a little warm, the water is drunk as well. Perform this treatment twice a day.
7. Lower the baby fever
If the baby has a fever, do not panic. And do not directly mmberikan drugs containing antibiotics because it will give a bad effect on the immune system. Make traditional ingredients to address the following baby fever.
Take kawak acid and turmeric each of thumb, 5 leaves of young jasmine, and two stalks scallions. All the ingredients until finely ground. Stick it on top of the head, allow it to dry. This is a recipe handed down from ancestors that have been proven to be effective.
8. Lowering Cholesterol
Patients with cholesterol should really keep the lifestyle and diet. Many prohibition. Well, following the traditional herb can help you menujrunkan cholesterol levels in the blood.
Take 200 grams of tamarind leaves, then pounded until smooth. Add 200 ml or a glass of hot water. Strain the water and drink as well. Perform this treatment 3 times a day.
9. Treating menstrual pain
The first way: Take 1 handful of tamarind leaves are still young and 2 finger turmeric. Both pounded until smooth then add half a cup of boiled water. Strain and drink the water.
The second way: Provide a half finger kawak acid, 10 pieces of ginger and palm sugar. Boil all ingredients with 1 cup of water to the remaining half. Strain the water and drink as well. Do it for one week before the menstrual period.
Note: This herb kawak acid should not be taken by pregnant women.
10. Treating thrush
Although not a serious disease that causes death, but the sprue is a disease which is so painful. There is no good food while experiencing thrush. The following traditional herb can help you cope with thrush.
The trick, a handful of young tamarind leaves washed and 5 cm turmeric thinly sliced. Boil 4 cups of water until the remaining 2 cups only. Can add the palm sugar when boiling so that tastes better. Drink the potion every morning and afternoon of each of the glasses.
11. Treating Boils
You have ulcers? It must be very miserable, especially if the location in the ass. Make guns could sit. But the following herbs will help you treat it.
Take 5 grams kawak acid, 10 grams of spinach leaves thorn, 10 grams of spinach leaves and salt to taste. Kale and spinach leaves thorn pounded until smooth, add kawak acid and salt to taste. Paste the potion on the boil until all surfaces are covered.
If it is dry, can be replaced with a new concoction. This way will boil rapidly mature and rupture, so that the healing process faster.
12. Treating asthma
To treat asthma, is easy enough. Prepare 2 pieces of bark and fennel pulowaras tamarind taste. The second material is boiled with 2 cups of water until the remaining 1 cup. Strain the water and drink as well. Perform this treatment every day.
13. Drug dry cough
Dry cough is usually accompanied by itching and burning in the throat. We can treat it with traditional ingredients below.
3 Prepare the fruit pods of the tamarind and handheld sage leaves. Tamarind fruit and sage leaves boiled with 4 cups of water until the remaining 2 cups remaining. Strain the water and drink 2 times a day, every morning and afternoon. Perform this treatment regularly.
The second way, prepare 2 cups of tamarind leaves, 2 cups of sage leaves, and cinnamon 5cm china. All material is washed and then boiled in 3 cups of water until the remaining two cups. Strain the water and drink during the day. Perform routine.
14. Drugs abdominal pain
Pain is caused by several things. Can dysentery, eat too spicy or acidic foods, and so forth. If you experience it, try a traditional herb heritage to this one.
Take 3 pieces of tamarind pods are ripe, whiting and eucalyptus oil to taste. Tamarind and whiting pounded until smooth, then add eucalyptus oil and stir until blended. The concoction smeared on a sick stomach.
15. Treat vaginal discharge
Whitish is a common disease that attacks the feminine area. Sometimes vaginal discharge accompanied by itching and odor. Such discharge is very disturbing and should be addressed immediately. Here are herbs heritage to overcome white.
Prepare kawak acid of a marble, 25 beluntas washed leaves, 5 cm turmeric (washed, peeled), and palm sugar. Puree beluntas leaves and turmeric, then pour 1/2 cup hot water. Add tamarind and palm sugar, stir well. Filter water, then drink every time going to sleep at night. Do it every day.
16. Treating allergic itching and urticaria
Biduran disease also known as hives, hives, or urticaria. Infected skin is usually itchy, redness and bumps appear to be spread from one point to another. The reason could be due to allergies or insect stings, itching caterpillar hairs can also cause this condition. if you experience it, treat with herbs below.
Provide ingredients berupaka 3 tamarind fruit, 1/4 tablespoon whiting, and salt to taste. All materials are boiled in 3 cups of water until the remaining 1 cup only just. After cold filtered water and taken twice a day every morning and afternoon.
17. Treating fever
Children are usually very vulnerable to heat illness. Tudak need khawatur if it happens. Provide only two pods tamarind and salt to taste. Pour both ingredients in a glass of hot water, then filtered. Water is drunk all at once while still warm. Pregnant women are forbidden to drink this concoction!
18. Medication new injury
If you are injured either because of a sharp weapon and fell, treat with tamarind leaves to stop bleeding wound and speed up drying. Way, take tamarind leaves to taste and chewed and placed on the wound.
19. Treating arthritis
Rheumatism or stiff usually attack pinngang area. Often suffered by those who are elderly or hard workers. To overcome this problem, provide 1 handful tamarind leaves and tamarind seeds 2-3. Both materials are pulverized and then attached to the waist while diijit ill-massage.
20. Treating ulcers
Ulcers are open sores on the skin, stinging, itching, watery and contain pus. Usually due to injury and infection. To treat it, you can try the herbal ingredients tamarind. Take some tamarind seeds then pounded until smooth. These ingredients placed on the ulcers bandaged. Replace once a day.
21. Treating scars itch on dried
The dried scars sometimes still leaves itching so do not want to scratch resistant. However, if carded will cause abrasions which makes it open again. To fix can use the following method.
Soak kawak acid with lukewarm water until fluffy. Then rub the itchy scar. Or it could also smoothes 1 genngam tamarind leaves and turmeric to taste. Then put the mixture on the scars that itch.
22. Treating fever
Not only efekfit treat heat illness suffered by children, tamarind leaves too powerful for menujrunkan fever in adults. So, if you get a fever can take 1 handful of tamarind leaves and fennel pulawaras sufficiently. Both ingredients are boiled with 1 liter of water to the remaining half. Filter water, then drink 2 times a day every morning and afternoon.
23. Swelling due to insect bites
Some insects have a can that if the sting can cause skin swelling. For example, centipedes, bees, wasps and scorpions. Although the sting not to endanger lives, but should still be treated. Well, one of the traditional ingredients to cope is to tamarind.
Way, take 3 tamarind seeds then pounded until smooth. The swelling is treated first with a cloth that has been smeared with eucalyptus oil. After the paste of tamarind which has been finely ground in the swelling (sick).
24. Treat itchy red dots in the form of an aqueous
I wonder what the name of this disease, but that obviously affected the condition of the skin that itch with the appearance of red spots on the skin's surface and contain smallpox or measles miri water, but it is not. Whatever the name of the disease if you have a condition like this immediately treated with a mixture of tamarind following.
Take a thumb-sized ginger then washed and thinly sliced. Boiled with a glass of water along the palm sugar until the water left only half a glass. Add sour kawak for thumb and stir until blended. Strain the water and drink as well.
25. Overcoming rancidity during menstruation
Sometimes, menstruation is accompanied by baua nyir. To fix this, take kawak acid of thumb, 10 slices of ginger and sliced ​​palm sugar. Brewed with hot water one glass. Stir until evenly distributed and palm sugar dissolves. Strain the water and drink as well. Lakuakn every day during menstruation.
26. Treating measles
Measles usually affects children even though the former has been given the vaccine. Some say everyone must be affected by this disease once in a lifetime. I, too, have experienced. Measles is an infectious disease caused by the measles virus yan of goglongan Paramixovirus. To overcome this problem is by using traditional ingredients of tamarind following.
Materials needed to make is 3 cups tamarind leaves, 3 slices of fresh turmeric rhizome (washed), palm sugar and salt to taste. All material is boiled with 2 cups of water until the remaining one cup. After a cold, filtered water and taken 2 times a day every morning and afternoon.
Benefits of Tamarind for Beauty
Efficacy tamarind not just for health and traditional medicine, but also for the world of beauty. The benefits of such beauty tamarind for treating acne and facial skin care beauty. The trick, consider the following review.
27. Treating Acne
Who does not upset with acne? Even when it's healed and still leaves scars in the form of black spots and even facial scars on the skin. To treat acne, you can mengguankan herbs like turmeric below.
Ingredients: 12 pieces of bitter leaf, 10 slices of ginger, 5 cm kencur, 1 teaspoon fennel, caraway and 10 leaves, all the materials are washed. Kawak acid for adult thumb.
Method of treatment: All the ingredients until finely ground, and add kawak acid. Pour 2 cups of hot water. After a cold, filtered water and drink 3 times a day.
For external treatment, take 3 tamarind seeds and brewed with a glass of hot water. After a cold, filtered water and used to wash my face in the morning.
28. Brighten skin
Tamarind can also be used for treatment of skin to look brighter. The trick, mash the pulp of tamarind in warm water. Add a pinch of turmeric powder and mix to form a dough like scrubs. Use these herbs as scrubs, let stand for 15 minutes to allow the nutrients absorbed. Then rinse with clean water.
29. Remove dead skin cells
The content of Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs) in tamarind fruit can help exfoliate dead skin which makes the face look dull. The trick, crushed tamarind pulp with a little salt and yogurt until dough forms a case of pasta. Apply the mixture on the face as a mask, avoiding the eye. Let stand for 20 minutes, while a massage gently to remove dead skin cells. Rinse with clean water.
30. Eliminate cellulite
Cellulite or referred to as orange peel syndrome is fat trapped beneath the skin's surface. Fats are not successfully removed this cause uneven texture on the skin, such as orange peel. Cellulite usually attacks the body into a fat-like nests on the inner sleeve and back, in the upper thigh and back, upper back (below the shoulders), lower back and buttocks.
To overcome tamarind mix with a little sugar, baking soda and lemon juice. Stir until completely uniform. Use on the skin where cellulite is, with a massage gently with circular clockwise direction. Let stand for 10 minutes, then wash with warm water.
Well, it turns tamarind benefits for health and beauty very much not? So not only useful as a seasoning. Oh, yes even tamarind is very useful to support your diet program because it is able to absorb the fat from the body. Good luck and hopefully useful.

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