Sunday, March 1, 2015


In Indonesia,
Here is the content of the nutritional value of tamarind @ 100g (more details can be seen in

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Abiu is sapodilla fruit

Abiu is a kind of sapodilla fruit fresh from Australia.
Adaptive abiu fruit in

Friday, February 27, 2015

Horse Mango, Malmut, Limus, and Machang

Rice dumplings
(also called Horse Mango, Malmut, Limus, and Machang) is a type of plant in

Thursday, February 26, 2015

KOLANG KALING or Glibbertjes in Deutch

Glibbertjes fruit can be easily for you encountered in

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Melinjo (Gnetum gnemon Linn.)

You certainly curious about this one fruit. Yes, fruit baguk, or that the Minangkabau language (the desert) call with baguak fruit is actually a fruit (or seed?) Melinjo. The Latin name baguk fruit or melinjo is Gnetum gnemon Linn or in Sundanese also called Tangil.
In general, these plants live in the tropics and is the type species of seed plants open. For in Indonesia itself baguk widely planted in pekarang which usually functioned as a shade and can also be used either fruit or leaves.
Of Gnetum other variants, it is indeed shaped melinjo distinguish the varieties of trees in the family Gnetum. Baguk itself is very rare for intensively cultivated. When in fact the wood can be used as a board and also a tool for simple household purposes.
While the young leaves can be used for vegetables, and fruit baguk itself can be used as raw material for chips. For the nutritional content of baguk itself based research can produce an antioxidant compound.
Wherein each fruit contains antioxidant activity baguk about 9-10 percent is derived from the protein concentration is high enough. Where is the main protein has a size of 30 kilo Dalton serves to eliminate free radicals that cause of various diseases.
Not only that, baguk fruit also contains a natural antimicrobial. Thus meaning that the protein is in the womb baguk fruit can be used as a natural food preservative and as a drug of peyakit caused by bacteria.
In addition peptides have been isolated from the fruit baguk active potential to inhibit some types of bacteria.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Strawberry (Fragaria vesca)

Fruit small and usually w
hen it's ripe dark purple-black, and when the young merha faded. If immature fruit is sour, but if it is ripe sweet taste and there is a bit of a sour taste. This fruit if mountainous regions usually for fences in front of or next to the house. Although it looks wild fruit plants, but it has the nutrients and vitamins that are good for the body.
Check out the article below.
Strawberry (Fragaria vesca) commonly known as alpine strawberries or strawberry small. Strawberries can be red or white depending on the variety.
- Saponin (glycosides that are found in plants)
- Favonoida (the active chemical compounds that have been successfully investigated, known as silymarin from Silybum marianum L. plants results showed that silymarin may be used as drugs or protection from heart disease / anti-hepatotoxic action)
- Ppolifenol (functioning as an antioxidant)
- It has antioxidant properties
- Has antibacterial properties
- Vitamin C
- Thrush medication. For thrush medication used 10 grams of fresh strawberries, washed, and then eaten as well.
- Suspected can help fight cancer
- Treating ulcer (made fruit juices and drunk)
- Helps against typhoid
- Relieve the symptoms diareBuah Strawberries are commonly consumed foods by the people of Indonesia. Strawberries fruit contains an energy of 37 kilocalories, protein 0.8 grams, 8.3 grams carbohydrates, 0.5 grams fat, 28 milligrams of calcium, phosphorus 27 mg, and 1 milligram of iron. In addition in Fruit Strawberries also contained as much as 60 IU of vitamin A, vitamin B1 0.03 milligrams and 60 milligrams of vitamin C. The results obtained from research on 100 grams of fruit Strawberries, the number of which can be eaten as much as 96%.
Detailed information Composition Nutrition / Nutritional Fruit Strawberries:
Name of Food: Fruit Strawberries
Other names / Alternative: -
Number of Fruit Strawberries studied (Food Weight) = 100 g
Strawberries Fruit parts that can be consumed (BDD / Food Edible) = 96%
Amount of Energy Content of Fruit Strawberries = 37 kcal
Total Protein Content of Fruit Strawberries = 0.8 gr
Total Fat Content of Fruit Strawberries = 0.5 g
Total Carbohydrate Content of Fruit Strawberries = 8.3 gr
Total Content of Calcium Fruit Strawberries = 28 mg
Total Phosphorus Content of Fruit Strawberries = 27 mg
Total Iron Content of Fruit Strawberries = 1 mg
Total content of Vitamin A Fruit Strawberries = 60 IU
Total content of Vitamin B1 Fruit Strawberries = 0.03 mg
The amount of Vitamin C Content of Fruit Strawberries = 60 mg
Efficacy / Benefits of Fruit Strawberries: - (Not Available)
Initial Letter Name of Food: B
Nutritional Information Sources: Various publications Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia as well as other sources.
Research / Research at different Strawberries Fruit can produce differences in results are due to a variety of factors that affect. We are sorry if there are errors or omissions in the information list Fruit Strawberries food composition of this. Good information nutrient content / nutrition Fruit Strawberries can be useful for us all. Thank You.

Monday, February 23, 2015


Carambola is one fruit that has a shape that is very unique among other fruit. Starfruit is the name of the leatherback in English. Judging from the physical bentuh star fruit is similar or the star with a greenish-yellow fruit color hijaun. Star fruit flavors capable of vibrating tongue audience, because the sweet taste when chewed and mixed with sour perceived by the tongue. As with other fruit, carambola also has great benefits for the health of your body. So, what are tremendous benefits for health leatherback is .... ???
     Companions, health tips. Carambola probably one of the rare types of fruit consumed by most people of Indonesia. Some of the main reasons may be thrilling taste of the tongue or ignorance of the various benefits of star fruit itself. Carambola proved to have a complete nutritional content such as carbohydrates, fiber, protein, vitamin C, vitamin B6, vitamin E, calcium, potassium and iron. Various nutrients mentioned certainly remarkable role to maintain and improve the health of the body you have. Here are 7 powerful benefits for the health of your body carambola:
Healer From Various Diseases. Various diseases in question are fever, ulcers, sore throat and cough. In addition, the leatherback is also very effective in preventing diabetes.
Various antidote Free Radical Cause Cancer. This is because, the leatherback is one fruit that is rich in antioxidant content therein.
Digestive organs healthy. The fiber content in star fruit can help the digestive organs work more optimally and to prevent a nuisance or disturbance caused constipation constipation great. Helping You Lose Weight. Star fruit calories 30 calories per piece number. So it is very good for those of you who want to lose weight, by providing this fruit in your daily diet.
Nor Prevent Heart Disease Stroke. Kandunagan various vitamins in leatherback mentioned above can help to prevent the arrival of many deadly diseases such as heart disease and stroke.
Hair Loss Effective deterrent. The content of antioxidants and vitamin C of star fruit can nourish every strand of hair and prevent hair from symptoms kerontokkan on your head.
Nor Arrival antidote Acne Oily Skin. This is because, star fruit contains zinc which acts counteracting the growth of acne on your skin.

Sunday, February 22, 2015


Apa itu Opium, apiun, atau candu? opium bahasa kerennya disebut poppy adalah getah bahan baku narkotika yang diperoleh dari buah candu (Papaver somniferum L. atau P. paeoniflorum) yang belum matang. Opium merupakan tanaman semusim yang hanya bisa dibudidayakan di pegunungan kawasan subtropis. Tinggi tanaman hanya sekitar satu meter. Daunnya jorong dengan tepi bergerigi. Bunga opium bertangkai panjang dan keluar dari ujung ranting. Satu tangkai hanya terdiri dari satu bunga dengan kuntum bermahkota putih, ungu, dengan pangkal putih serta merah cerah. Bunga opium sangat indah hingga beberapa spesies Papaver lazim dijadikan tanaman hias. 
Buah opium berupa bulatan sebesar bola pingpong bewarna hijau.
Apiun adalah jenis narkotika yang paling berbahaya. Dikonsumsi dengan cara ditelan langsung atau diminum bersama teh, kopi atau dihisap bersama rokok atau syisya (rokok ala Timur Tengah).
Pada mulanya, pengonsumsi Apiun akan merasa segar bugar dan mampu berimajinasi dan berbicara, namun hal ini tidak bertahan lama. Tak lama kemudian kondisi kejiwaannya akan mengalami gangguan dan berakhir dengan tidur pulas bahkan koma.
Jika seseorang ketagihan, maka Apiun akan menjadi bagian yg melekat di hidupnya. Tubuhnya tidak akan mampu lagi menjalankan fungsi-fungsinya tanpa mengonsumsi Apiun dalam dosis yang biasanya. Dia akan merasakan sakit yang luar biasa jika tidak bisa memperolehnya. Kesehatannya akan menurun drastis. Otot-otot si pecandu akan layu, ingatannya melemah dan nafsu makannya menurun. Kedua matanya mengalami sianosis dan berat badannya akan terus menyusut.

Opium (air mata poppy, Lachryma papaveris) adalah lateks kering yang diperoleh dari opium poppy (Papaver somniferum). 

Opium mengandung sekitar 12% morfin, 
suatu alkaloid, yang sering diproses secara kimia untuk menghasilkan heroin untuk perdagangan obat ilegal. 
Lateks ini juga mengandung alkaloid kodein dan non-narkotik seperti papaverin, thebaine dan Noscapine. 

Metode tradisional untuk memperoleh lateks adalah menggaruk polong biji muda (buah) dengan tangan, lateks keluar dan mengering menjadi residu kekuningan yang lengket kemudian dikerok.
Metode modern adalah untuk memanen dan memproses tanaman dewasa oleh mesin.

1.      Zat pada opium  (Aktif Obat)
Jus dari bunga opium, Papaver somniverum,  mengandung kira-kira 20 alkaloid opium, termasuk morfin.
Nama Opium juga digunakan untuk suatu preparat atau derivat dari opium dan narkotik sintetik yang kerjanya menyerupai opium tetapi tidak didapatkan dari opium.

opium alami lain atau opium yang disintesis dari opium alami adalah heroin (diacethylmorphine),
kodein (3-methoxymorphine), dan hydromorphone (Dilaudid).

Morfin adalah alkaloid analgesik yang sangat kuat dan merupakan agen aktif utama yang ditemukan pada opium.
Umumnya opium mengandung 10% morfin. Kata "morfin" berasal dari Morpheus, dewa mimpi dalam mitologi Yunani.
Morfin adalah hasil olahan dari opium/candu mentah. Morfin merupakan alkaloida utama dari opium ( C17H19NO3 ) .
Morfin rasanya pahit, berbentuk tepung halus berwarna putih atau dalam bentuk cairan berwarna. Pemakaiannya dengan cara dihisap dan disuntikkan.
Karena berujung ke morfim, artikel ini akan berlanjut kepembahasan  morfin yang akan di posting di kemudian hari sambil mengumpulkan data dari berbagai sumber....