Saturday, December 1, 2012

Peppermint leaves

Peppermint leaves quite well known because this plant is widely used to add flavor menthol in confectionery products, food, cosmetics, toothpaste, medicines.

Moringa leaves atau daun kelor

Magic tree or leaf Moringa Trees for Life is part of the general contains a lot of benefits. because if the consumption of nutrients and protein. Juice or extract of the leaves can also be used as a wound closure. The role of efficacy in the beauty, Moringa leaves can be finely ground into a powder stain remover and spots on the face.

Cincau Jell Drink

Many plants can be processed into food, as well as the benefits giving health. There are green and black grass jelly. Incidentally green grass jelly is easy to find and has become the food of the people.
While the black grass jelly is usually found in the market or can be enjoyed in the restaurant. But basically, both green and black grass jelly beneficial for maintaining a healthy body.
If the green grass jelly is more widely known as heartburn medications, grass jelly then black over many functions.
Black grass jelly is traditionally believed fever, fever medication, medication nausea, diarrhea, cough, prevent indigestion and can lower high blood pressure.

Black grass jelly also contains soluble fiber (soluble dietary fiber), which can bind sugar and fat or cholesterol in the body. This make black grass jelly can prevent diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and other cardiovascular diseases.
Behind black, grass jelly save a lot of benefits, including relieving heartburn. Gynecology;

* Carbohydrates,

* Calcium,

* Phosphorus,

* Vitamins (A, B1, C), and

* Water, which pretty much makes grass jelly is believed to be an alternative to avoid the heat in.

Leaf black grass jelly derived from tentative processing, which includes labiate. The trunk is small and slender, oval leaves, pointed or blunt tipped. Flower shape similar to basil flowers, white, pink or purple. The leaves and stems produce blackish green gelatin. This is why the results of grass jelly also add 'black' frills.
In developed countries, such as Japan or Korea, grass jelly one has produce powdered extract is ready to make jellygrass jelly at home.
But there is also packed canned ready added in fresh drinks or desserts. More fortunate we are in Indonesia because easily get fresh grass jelly in the market.
Cincau not live long, with 2-3 days can be especially green grass jelly melts. However, food technology, jelly powder make grass effort is now mostly conducted by our scholars.One time, these efforts will be accepted in our society.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Atsiri Oil

Sassafras oil is an essential oil that is rich in safrole. This oil is used for medical purposes, can also use for perfume.

Oil obtained from the extraction of the roots or bark of Cinnamomum. bright yellow oil or apparently widely used as MDMA (methylenedioxymethamphetamine) (C11H15NO2) basic ingredient of ecstasy after direct oxidation catalyst-mediated palladium with piperonyl acetone.

World News informs that the leaves are in development as a health drink (tea Sassafras). Clear that green plants could help neutralize the effects of the negative effects of free radicals. Free radicals are formed due to lifestyle such as high-fat diet, cigarette smoke, vehicles, air pollution and the environment, fast food, and alcohol consumption.